NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S
 Executive Board
Lersø Parkalle 100
DK-2100 København Ø

Telephone +45 7012 5300

3 September 2019

Company Announcement number 80/2019

Incorrect drawing amounts

Friday 23 August 2019 Realkredit Danmark published the drawing amounts as per 1 October 2019 (bonds with four annual settling periods) and 1 January 2020 (bonds with two annual settling periods). The calculation of the drawing amount was based on data from the wrong quarter and therefore Realkredit Danmark corrected the amounts. Unfortunately, it has turned out that the correction was incorrect and consequently it is withdrawn. Realkredit Danmark is to rerun the whole calculation flow and will as soon as possible publish correct drawing amounts.

The Executive Board

Any additional questions should be addressed to Jesper Tvede, phone +45 45 13 20 66.
