Nigerian artist draws the most realistic charcoal drawings
(Picture: Chiamonwu Joy Art)

When you look at these pictures you could be forgiven for thinking they’re black and white photos taken on a digital camera.

Such is the effect of Chiamonwu Ifeyinwa Joy’s hyperrealistic drawings.

The highly talented charcoal and graphite artist, 23, from Nigeria has stunned people with her drawings which have taken inspiration from her Igbo culture and the traditions that are part of it.

She tells how she creates her art.

‘I’ve been drawing since I was 7-years-old. I discovered at elementary school that I was passionate about art.’

Nigerian artist draws the most realistic charcoal drawings
(Picture: Chiamonwu Joy Art)

She only began drawing professionally, however, three years ago. That was when I realised how good I was at art.

‘For a big artwork, it takes me about one month to complete. For a medium or small canvas, it can take up to two or three weeks. I decide who and what to draw by how much I am moved and fascinated by the subject or object. How much it speaks to me on a personal, spiritual and creative level. All my artworks tell a story.’

Nigerian artist draws the most realistic charcoal drawings
(Picture: Chiamonwu Joy Art)
Nigerian artist draws the most realistic charcoal drawings
(Picture: Chiamonwu Joy Art)

Although she didn’t study art, she now draws professionally and showcases her impressive works, also selling to clients.

Under one image that she’s shared with her 25,300 followers on Instagram, she says: ‘This particular scarf is worn mostly by the Igbo women of West Africa as a form of decoration and to add some significant beauty to their native attire as they step out for some important events like traditional wedding ceremonies, burial ceremonies, The New Yam Festivals, religious ceremonies, child naming and etcetera’.

‘Due to the stress and tedious art of tying this scarf, some of these women would need the help of professionals to assist them in tying this scarf into a beautiful style which will appeal to their sense of satisfaction. This scarf comes in different colours. The colour of scarf chosen by these women must be similar or a complete match with the colour of their chosen traditional attire.’

And her work is certainly educating her fans.

‘Thank you so much for putting the cultural significance to your piece! I’ve always seen these on the internet and knew they were a Nigerian attire, but never knew the specifics of it being Igbo,’ writes one follower.

Another says: ‘That what I love so much about art it truly mentally takes you to different levels and you find more and more about yourself as you grow in it’.

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