What would it be like to hunt with Donald Trump Jr.?

Hunter Nation has announced a drawing that will award one individual a three-day white-tailed deer hunt in Pennsylvania with the son of President Donald Trump.

Trump Jr., 41, is billed by Hunter Nation as “the modern-day Teddy Roosevelt.”  A chance to hunt with him, the advocacy group says, is “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

The entry period will conclude Oct. 15 and the hunt will take place in December, with the dates not yet determined.

In a promotional video announcement, Trump Jr. said, “Join me, and join Hunter Nation today. If you sign up, you and I could be sharing a campfire this fall.”

Hunter Nation added: “You will have to go a long way to find a bigger advocate for our hunting lifestyle, a more passionate hunter and conservationist than Don Jr. The opportunity to share a hunting camp with him is truly priceless.”

Trump Jr. is an avid hunter who has traveled the world in pursuit of a variety of game animals, including Cape buffalo in South Africa and caribou in Alaska.

Drawing participants can pay as little as $50 for a five-entry block, and enter as often as they like.

“Gain a new perspective on real-life conservation from one of the leading experts on the subject, all while you hunt one of the most popular big-game animals on earth,” Hunter Nation states.

It’s worth noting that Theodore Roosevelt also loved to hunt. His 1910 book, “African Game Trails; An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter-Naturalist,” provides an accounting of the 512 animals he and his son killed while on safari in East Africa in 1909.

–Donald Trump Jr. image is courtesy of Hunter Nation; white-tailed deer image is via Wikimedia Commons